BENELUX – Tender « Penta-studie » / Appel d’offres “étude Penta”: “Common vision decarbonised electricity system 2050”, Deadline : 3.1.2022
SPECIFICATION No. 2021/01/Penta
The contract to be concluded as a result of this tender covers the Pentalateral Energy Forum’s Research Agenda, Penta SG3 on Flexibility – Vision 2050 to ‘create a common vision for a decarbonised electricity system by 2050’, as part of its process of regional integration towards a European and reliable electricity market.
With this new research project the Penta Support Group 3 would like to build on previous work and broaden and deepen the analysis to work towards a common understanding and vision on a decarbonized electricity system by 2050, with intermediate steps in 2030 and 2040.
The aim of this exercise is to have a report by the contractor summarising the main findings regarding the likely developments, identified certainties and remaining uncertainties regarding the energy system 2050 in the Penta region. The report establishes a shared vision on a climate neutral energy system in the Penta region in 2050, discussing the main elements and concrete steps, including intermediate steps for 2030 and 2040, with a focus on specific topics.
The start date of the contract shall be stated in the notice of award for the contract, aiming at a start date early 2022. It will be concluded for a period of maximum 9 months.
The price for the contract shall be a maximum of €100,000.00 (one hundred thousand EURO) excluding VAT.
The deadline for the submission of bids is 03/01/2022 at 17:00.
Further information can be found in the tender notice.
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