OWI-Lab: workshop digital twin technology offshore wind turbines, Leuven, 14.10.2021

As part of the EU project DOCC-OFF OWI-Lab organizes a closing workshop focusing on the development and use of digital twin technology in the offshore wind energy sector.
The DOCC-OFF project aims to demonstrate the impact of new advanced sensing and remote monitoring technologies in offshore wind turbines. As part of the shared R&D project a remote monitoring approach has been developed by partners Hine and XABET for an hydraulic pitch system of a wind turbine.
What will you learn form this workshop?
During this workshop the project partners will share developments which consists of a digital twin of the hydraulic system, give insights from laboratory validation tests and showcase the platform developed within the project.
You will also be giving insights and presented the latest trends on digital twin technologies from (industrial) guest speakers active in the offshore wind sector or active in the development of this technology. You can find more information in the brochure or on our website.
Practical details
·        Where: Faculty Club (Leuven, Belgium) or online
·        When: Thursday October 14th, 9h-13h