University of Gent – Power Link: Conference “Empowering Energy Counts – Empowering consumers to save energy by informative billing”, 16th March 2016, Brussels
This international conference on consumer information intends to present and discuss the implementation of feedback services to end-users, based on the results of the EMPOWERING project. Feedback services based on smart metering data have been provided to 344.000 customers in Europe. The participating utilities will present the underlying concepts, technological solutions and real-life experiences of their services to energy end-users.
What are the facilitating and limiting factors for a widespread adoption of energy consumption information services as a mainstream practice? What were the experiences of utilities in implementing these services? What are the results in terms of energy savings? And what are the recent European policy developments for metering and billing services and changes in the European electricity market design?
The conference targets energy utilities and associations, consumer groups and other stakeholders, metering service providers, policy makers, regulators and the scientific community.
When: 16th March 2016 from 09.15 to 15.30
Where: Spanish Nation Research Council (CSIC), Rue du Trone, 62, 1050 Brussels (7th floor, Room III)
To register:
- Belgian FOD Economy - Energy T...
- SIRRIS - Wind Energy Summit 20...
- BENELUX / WaterstofNet – H2 ...
- EnergyVille – Lancering nieu...
- FLUX50 – Smart Energy Academ...
- FLUX50 - Innovfest Vlaanderen,...
- WaterstofNet – Tweejaarlijks...
- WaterstofNet – Workshop verg...
- New Energy Coalition – Semin...
- FEBEG – Connected Energy Con...
- FLUX50 – Conferentie “Stat...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Pentalat...
- WaterstofNet - Workshop vergun...
- Wuppertal Institute - Infrastr...
- Waterstofnet - Hydrogen academ...
- Wuppertal Institute – Infras...
- FEBEG – Webinar 'Economisch...
- BENELUX – Webinar: the futur...
- Benelux - Benelux participates...
- BENELUX - Webinar "How can reg...
- FLUX50/Interreg Vlaanderen-Ned...
- BENELUX - Study day "Future hy...
- OWI-Lab: workshop digital twin...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Conferen...
- WaterstofNet - Hydrogen Academ...
- LIST - LISTalks on Energy Tran...
- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- LIST – Energy Transition Dia...
- EnergyVille – Lancement d'un...
- FLUX50 – Smart Energy Academ...
- FLUX50 - Innovfest Flandres, M...
- BENELUX – Benelux-Baltic Win...
- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- SIRRIS – Wind Energy Summit ...
- Benelux - Benelux Energy Inno...
- Energy Delta Institute – Mas...
- InnoEnergy - The Business Boos...
- Benelux - Energy Storage and D...
- Tweed - Sortie officielle de l...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW - "Export E...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- Benelux - Workshop Energie sys...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW – Tweede ...
- EnergieAgenturNRW - Jahrestref...
- Smart Grid Flanders - Smart Gr...
- FEBEG - Ronde tafel ‘Capacit...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW - 2nd Renew...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
University of Gent – Power L...
- KIC InnoEnergy Benelux – Pre...
- EnergieAgentur NRW – 20 Fach...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- UC Leuven-Limburg: Studiedag ...
- Benelux: BEN!EX - « Conféren...
- BENELUX – Benelux-Baltic Win...
- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- SIRRIS – Wind Energy Summit ...
- Benelux - Benelux Energy Inno...
- LIST – Energy Transition Dia...
- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- LIST - LISTalks on Energy Tran...
- WaterstofNet - Hydrogen Academ...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Conferen...
- OWI-Lab: workshop digital twin...
- BENELUX - Study day "Future hy...
- FLUX50/Interreg Vlaanderen-Ned...
- BENELUX - Webinar "How can reg...
- Benelux - Benelux participates...
- BENELUX – Webinar: the futur...
- FEBEG – Webinar 'Economisch...
- Wuppertal Institute – Infras...
- Waterstofnet - Hydrogen academ...
- Wuppertal Institute - Infrastr...
- WaterstofNet - Workshop vergun...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Pentalat...
- FLUX50 – Conferentie “Stat...
- FEBEG – Connected Energy Con...
- New Energy Coalition – Semin...
- WaterstofNet – Workshop verg...
- WaterstofNet – Tweejaarlijks...
- Energy Delta Institute – Mas...
- InnoEnergy - The Business Boos...
- Benelux – « Benelux Talanoa...
- TWEED: Conférence et Networki...
- Flux50 / COGEN Vlaanderen- sav...
- Flux50 - Seminar electrical mo...
- Flux50 - Innovatie: vernieuwde...
- Flux50 - Advanced Academy Flex...
- Benelux - Energy Storage and D...
- Flux50 - First "Flanders" Smar...
- KIC Inno Energy Benelux – Th...
- Benelux - Workshop « Explorez...
- Benelux – Discussie “Publi...
- Hogeschool PXL-Hasselt, “Int...
- Tweed - Sortie officielle de l...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW - "Export E...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- Benelux - Workshop Energie sys...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW – Tweede ...
- EnergieAgenturNRW - Jahrestref...
- Smart Grid Flanders - Smart Gr...
- FEBEG - Ronde tafel ‘Capacit...
- EnergieAgentur NRW – 7. Deut...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
- ECN/Energyville - Internationa...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW - 2nd Renew...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
- Energy Transition Centre (EnTr...
- EnTranCe Energy Transition Cen...
- EnTranCe Energy Transition Cen...
- University of Gent – Power L...
- KIC InnoEnergy Benelux – Pre...
- EnergieAgentur NRW – 20 Fach...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- UC Leuven-Limburg: Studiedag ...
- Benelux: BEN!EX - « Conféren...
- Energy Valley - The Future of ...
- Smart Grids Flanders - Smart G...
- ECN - Open Dag Impact uit Pett...
- DRIFT - Workshop : Urban Futur...
- Smart Grids Flanders - Smart C...
- DIFFER, Lorentz workshop: Inte...
- Agoria - Make it pop
- WaterstofNet presenteert water...
- Energy Valley - Niederlande Gr...
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Union Benelux
Par le biais d’une meilleure coopération entre les pays, le Benelux entend promouvoir la prospérité et le bien-être des citoyens de Belgique, des Pays-Bas et du Luxembourg.
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