BENELUX – Benelux-Baltic Wind Days, Save-the-Date, 19-20.10.2022, Antwerp, Belgium


The Benelux countries are joining hands with the Baltics in the conference “Benelux-Baltic Wind Days” on offshore development.  Governments, TSOs and industrial players will have a chance to closely engage in various offshore topics such as grid and wind park development, hybrid projects, maritime spatial planning etc. Besides meeting high level speakers, participants will get the chance to participate in:

o Hands on break-out sessions

o Stakeholder speed-dating

o Cutting edge industry visits


The final programme and inscription form will be finalised in the coming weeks, but the provisional programme is as follows.

19 October, Antwerp, Belgium

Welcome and Introduction

  • Welcome lunch                                                                                  12H00
  • Introduction by minister(s)/DGs                                                         13H30


Plenary session

  • Overview by governments/Benelux                                                     13H45


Break-out sessions by administrations, business developers/organisations/harbours



  • Conclusions and next steps                                                                17H00
  • Reception                                                                                         17H30


20 October Industry visits in the region of Antwerp, Belgium                 10H00-15H00