BENELUX - Study day "Future hydrogen infrastructure in the Benelux region" (webinar), 11.2.21, 09.15-12.45


The European “green deal” aims to make the EU greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. Studies show that the necessary transformation is a huge but achievable challenge. Production systems will emerge that will result in a highly geographically concentrated additional demand for renewable electricity, gases and fuels. New transport and storage infrastructures will be needed. The Benelux / NRW region with its intensive, clustered heavy industry is confronted with this challenge. Hydrogen can play an important role, which is explored and politically supported by Europe and various Benelux countries / regions.

In light of the European ambitions for hydrogen and national and regional strategies in the Benelux countries and neighboring regions, a study day is organized on possible future cross-border hydrogen infrastructure required in the Benelux. With a view to coordination and cooperation in the Benelux and with neighboring regions, studies and projects from the Wuppertal Institute, the port of Rotterdam, the port of Antwerp, the Dutch Gasunie and the Luxembourg Encevo will be presented and discussed.  The webinar targets (invited) experts and policy makers from Benelux / North Rhine Westphalian authorities, industry and the energy-community.


09.15   Welcome - Jan Molema, Director Internal Market, General Secretariat Benelux Union

09.20   Opening - Bart Biebuyck, CEO Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

09.40   Presentation of studies and projects 

  • “Industrial Seaports and Hydrogen Transition: a Symbiosis“ - Didier van Osselaer 

             Program Manager Energy Transition Antwerp Port Authority, Port of Antwerp,  Belgium

  • “Building Hydrogen Value Chains” - Huibert van Rossum

            Senior Advisor Energy Transition External Affairs / Chairman Energy Transition Network ESPOPort                of Rotterdam, The Netherlands 

  • ”MosaHYc – a Cross-Border Hydrogen Infrastructure” - Anamaria Zianveni 

            Project Manager CEO, Acquisition and Strategic Foresight, ENCEVO, Luxemburg 

10.55   Coffee break 

11.05   Presentation of studies and projects - continued 

  • “Infrastructure “Challenges for Deep Decarbonisation of Heavy Industry” -  Frank Merten 

             Co-Director Research on Systems and Infrastructures of the Unit Future Energy and Industrial                       Systems, Wuppertal Institute, North Rhine Westphalia 

  • “Repurposing Natural Gas Infrastructure for (cross-border) Hydrogen Transport: Opportunities and   Challenges” - Frits van der Velde 

             Senior Advisor Public and Regulatory Affairs New Energy, GasUnie, The Netherlands  

  • Steven Van Caekenberghe

            Head of H2 & CO2 Program, Fluxys, Belgium

 12.00   Moderated panel discussion with representatives of the Benelux countries / regions 

 12.45   Conclusion – Rudy Huygelen, Dpt. Secretary General, General Secretariat Benelux Union 


 Moderator: Marc Van den Bosch, Managing Director Belgian Federation of Electricity and Gas companies


Event contact: Wim Martens,