BENELUX – Webinar: the future for heavy-duty vehicles in the Pentalateral region: integrating electromobility in the energy transition, 22.10.20, 15.30-18.30
The Pentalateral Energy Forum (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland), a front runner in implementing ambitious climate strategies, will discuss the role of electric trucks in decarbonising the transport sector and the nexus between the energy and road freight sectors. IRENA, the Benelux Secretariat – Pentalateral Forum, Transport & Environment and ChargePoint, will organise this virtual event, with the aim to foster cross-border and cross-sector — transport and energy — cooperation on heavy-duty vehicles (HDV).
Road freight transportation accounts for around 8% of global CO2 emissions per year — 2.9 Gt CO2. Countries are increasing their efforts to decarbonise this sector. Among the options being considered, fleets of electric trucks are attracting more attention due to the availability of clean and low-cost renewable electricity. However, the pathway for the development and deployment of e-trucks is unclear, where technology, regulatory, financial and policy aspects, covering both transport and energy sectors, need to support country plans. Particularly, the implications of a rapid uptake of e-trucks for electricity systems need to be better understood. The aim is to identify strategies that minimise any potential risk for the electricity system while maximising the benefits for the road freight and renewable power sectors.
The virtual conference will be moderated by H.E. Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy and Spatial Planning of Luxembourg. The event will feature 4 panels with experts, on the following topics: charging infrastructure, financial models & public incentives, HVD and power systems integration, and the EU legal framework.
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- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
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- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
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- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- SIRRIS – Wind Energy Summit ...
- Benelux - Benelux Energy Inno...
- LIST – Energy Transition Dia...
- LIST - LISTalks Energy Transit...
- LIST - LISTalks on Energy Tran...
- WaterstofNet - Hydrogen Academ...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Conferen...
- OWI-Lab: workshop digital twin...
- BENELUX - Study day "Future hy...
- FLUX50/Interreg Vlaanderen-Ned...
- BENELUX - Webinar "How can reg...
- Benelux - Benelux participates...
- BENELUX – Webinar: the futur...
- FEBEG – Webinar 'Economisch...
- Wuppertal Institute – Infras...
- Waterstofnet - Hydrogen academ...
- Wuppertal Institute - Infrastr...
- WaterstofNet - Workshop vergun...
- BENELUX - Ministerial Pentalat...
- FLUX50 – Conferentie “Stat...
- FEBEG – Connected Energy Con...
- New Energy Coalition – Semin...
- WaterstofNet – Workshop verg...
- WaterstofNet – Tweejaarlijks...
- Energy Delta Institute – Mas...
- InnoEnergy - The Business Boos...
- Benelux – « Benelux Talanoa...
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- Flux50 / COGEN Vlaanderen- sav...
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- Hogeschool PXL-Hasselt, “Int...
- Tweed - Sortie officielle de l...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW - "Export E...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- Benelux - Workshop Energie sys...
- EnergieAgentur.NRW – Tweede ...
- EnergieAgenturNRW - Jahrestref...
- Smart Grid Flanders - Smart Gr...
- FEBEG - Ronde tafel ‘Capacit...
- EnergieAgentur NRW – 7. Deut...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
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- EnergieAgentur.NRW - 2nd Renew...
- Hanze University of Applied Sc...
- Energy Transition Centre (EnTr...
- EnTranCe Energy Transition Cen...
- EnTranCe Energy Transition Cen...
- University of Gent – Power L...
- KIC InnoEnergy Benelux – Pre...
- EnergieAgentur NRW – 20 Fach...
- TKI Wind op Zee – Match Maki...
- UC Leuven-Limburg: Studiedag â...
- Benelux: BEN!EX - « Conféren...
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Union Benelux
Par le biais d’une meilleure coopération entre les pays, le Benelux entend promouvoir la prospérité et le bien-être des citoyens de Belgique, des Pays-Bas et du Luxembourg.
Le Secrétariat général Benelux est au centre de cette coopération. Il initie, soutient et supervise la coopération dans les domaines de l’économie, du développement durable et de la sécurité.
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