FEBEG – Connected Energy Conference, Brussel(s) / Bruxelles, 17.9.2019



The utilities industry is undergoing epic disruptions. The core principles of yesterday’s power industry model no longer apply. A new power model is emerging; one that will be more decarbonized, decentralized, and customer oriented. Core to the new system will be multidirectional flows of energy and information enabled by widespread digitization. Traditionally a precursor within the European Union, the Benelux could be the ideal place to start this journey.

Herein lie huge opportunities for connected energy services - delivering distributed generation and electric mobility and related services, energy management, battery storage, energy efficiency and flexibility as part of consumers’ new connected energy experience.

•Where should energy providers invest to thrive in the nascent connected energy space?

•How can business create customer value considering the power of integrating offerings?


FEBEG is delighted to invite you to the Connected Energy Conference at the Benelux House, in Brussels on Tuesday the 17th of September 2019, from 16:00 to 18:30 with a networking event afterwards. Join us there to discover and discuss new business models and opportunities in the connected energy business with leading experts. 

For more information and registration: https://mailchi.mp/febeg.be/your_invitation_to_the_connected_energy_conference_with_accenture_and_febeg