EnergyVille – Lancement d'une nouvelle plateforme, Bruxelles, 12.10.22
06 oct. 2022 513Le 12 octobre, EnergyVille lancera une plateforme qui donnera aux professionnels un aperçu des voies à suivre pour parvenir à un approvisionnement énergétique neutre sur le plan climatique d'ici 2050. Le lancement aura lie... Lire plus
FLUX50 – Smart Energy Academy, Antwerpen/Gent/Brussel, 15-17 11.22
06 oct. 2022 511Au cours de cette formation de trois jours, vous serez initié à l'état actuel de la transition énergétique et les principales innovations des entreprises flamandes seront également étudiées. Des thèmes tels que la chale... Lire plus
FLUX50 - Innovfest Flandres, Mechelen, 24.10.22, 14:30-18:00
06 oct. 2022 538Pendant l'Innovfest, sept secteurs flamands regrouperont leurs innovations dans un nouvel événement intersectoriel. Les 7 clusters (logistique, alimentation, soins, énergie, matériaux, chimie et marine) constituent ense... Lire plus
BENELUX – Benelux-Baltic Wind Days, Save-the-Date, 19-20.10.2022, Antwerp, Belgium
08 sept. 2022 489The Benelux countries are joining hands with the Baltics in the conference “Benelux-Baltic Wind Days” on offshore development. Governments, TSOs and industrial players will have a chance to closely engage in various offsh... Lire plus
LIST - LISTalks Energy Transition: Smart Local Energy Systems: the Key for unlocking Grid Flexibilit...
08 juin 2022 506The webinar will address the growing importance of local energy systems in order to support the transition to a fully decarbonised society. On one hand, striving for decarbonisation will require a more flexible use of dist... Lire plus
SIRRIS – Wind Energy Summit “Cybersecurity”, 29.6.2022, Brussels, Belgium
10 mai 2022 542With the growing number of offshore wind turbines, the construction of interconnection points and an offshore energy island, the importance of cybersecurity for this critical infrastructure will also grow. Cybersecurity in... Lire plus
Benelux - Benelux Energy Innovation Day “Solar”, 19.5.2022, Brussels, Belgium
29 avr. 2022 518The EU aims to be greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. Studies show that the necessary transformation is a huge but achievable challenge. Energy outlooks predict that solar energy will have an important role to play in t... Lire plus
LIST – Energy Transition Dialogue in Luxemburg, 30.6.2022, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxemburg
29 avr. 2022 495The large-scale deployment of renewable generation in power systems and the advent of active consumers, able to produce energy locally and actively manage their demand, are opening up new ways of conceiving the energy syst... Lire plus
LIST - LISTalks Energy Transition: Strengthening the security & resilience of future power grids, 30...
17 mars 2022 484The "LISTalks" conference series brings together stakeholders, researchers, industry and authorities to answer state of the art research and innovation questions on our environment, climate change, and sustain... Lire plus