Belgian FOD Economy - Energy Transition Fund (ETF) Conference, Ostend, 1.10.2024
17 sep. 2024 184The ETF Day is organised by the Belgian FOD Economy and will present 13 newly selected projects from the Belgian Energy Transition Fund, offering a platform for networking and knowledge-sharing on energy transition topics. Pa... lees meer
SIRRIS - Wind Energy Summit 2023 “Floating wind turbines and offshore hydrogen production”, Oostende...
03 jul. 2023 517The third edition of this summit brings together three insightful events that aim to inform and inspire you. Join to explore emerging technologiessuch as floating wind turbines and the combination of offshore hydrogen prod... lees meer
BENELUX / WaterstofNet – H2 Conference “Cross-border Hydrogen Value Chain in the Benelux and its nei...
28 jun. 2023 507Presentation of the WaterstofNet-study “Cross-border Hydrogen Value Chain in the Benelux and its neigbouring regions” & discussion Europe is accelerating its transition towards a green hydrogen inclusive economy.R... lees meer
EnergyVille – Lancering nieuw platform, Brussel/Bruxelles, 12.10.22
06 okt. 2022 981Op 12 oktober lanceert EnergyVille een platform dat professionals een inkijk geeft op de wegen richting een klimaat neutrale energievoorziening in 2050. De lancering vindt plaats tijdens Febebliec’s 7th Energy Forum. Prak... lees meer
FLUX50 – Smart Energy Academy, Antwerpen/Gent/Brussel, 15-17 11.22
06 okt. 2022 865Tijdens deze driedaagse opleiding maakt u kennis met de laatste stand van zaken in de energietransitie en zullen de belangrijkste innovaties van Vlaamse bedrijven ook de revue passeren. Thema’s zoals duurzame warmte, fi... lees meer
FLUX50 - Innovfest Vlaanderen, Mechelen, 24.10.22, 14:30-18:00
06 okt. 2022 912Tijdens het Innovfest bundelen 7 Vlaamse sectoren haar innovaties tot een nieuw sectoroverschrijdend event. De 7 clusters (logistiek, voeding, zorg, energie, materialen, chemie en marine) vormen samen de basis voor de i... lees meer
BENELUX – Benelux-Baltic Wind Days, Save-the-Date, 19-20.10.2022, Antwerp, Belgium
08 sep. 2022 937The Benelux countries are joining hands with the Baltics in the conference “Benelux-Baltic Wind Days” on offshore development. Governments, TSOs and industrial players will have a chance to closely engage in various offsh... lees meer
LIST - LISTalks Energy Transition: Smart Local Energy Systems: the Key for unlocking Grid Flexibilit...
08 jun. 2022 1032The webinar will address the growing importance of local energy systems in order to support the transition to a fully decarbonised society. On one hand, striving for decarbonisation will require a more flexible use of dist... lees meer
SIRRIS – Wind Energy Summit “Cybersecurity”, 29.6.2022, Brussels, Belgium
10 mei 2022 1127With the growing number of offshore wind turbines, the construction of interconnection points and an offshore energy island, the importance of cybersecurity for this critical infrastructure will also grow. Cybersecurity in... lees meer